Tomorrow’s CTP scheme

The launch of the QUT PwC Chair in Digital Economy’s report Part A The Future of CTP – Executive Report highlights many of the issues facing Queensland’s CTP scheme as a consequence of digital disruption and digital transformation.

The collaboration between MAIC and the QUT PwC Chair in Digital Economy explored a range of scenarios likely to develop over the next 20 years.

The impact of trends such as motor vehicle technology, digital technologies, driver behaviour, motor vehicle ownership trends and medical advances and costs are likely to fuel significant adjustments to the CTP scheme.

The report poses a number of key messages for the scheme including:

  • New motor vehicle technology will lead to a reduction in motor vehicle accidents over time
  • Medical advances will improve health outcomes
  • Big data will allow more detailed assessment of risk
  • Administrative processes will be more efficient
  • There will be a shift away from private vehicle ownership
  • New insurance models will emerge.

MAIC will continue to review the output of this report and where possible employ strategies and actions which will improve outcomes for motorists and people injured in motor vehicle accidents.

Last modified 15 July 2016


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