Clinical framework

Endorsed by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and widely supported by compensable bodies and Australian allied health professional associations, this clinical framework outlines five principles to guide the delivery of health services.

The framework supports healthcare professionals by outlining the expectations of compensable bodies from a clinical management perspective.

The framework’s five guiding principles seek to facilitate treatment strategies which result in the best possible health and functional outcomes for injured claimants.

Development of this recently revised framework was led by the Victorian Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and WorkSafe Victoria in consultation with representatives of CTP and workers’ compensation schemes; clinicians; allied health professional associations; and academics including from Queensland’s Centre of National Research on Disability and Rehabilitation Medicine (CONROD) (now known as the RECOVER Injury Research Centre).

Learn more about how to apply the framework in a clinical practice by visiting the website of Victoria’s Transport Accident Commission (TAC).

Last modified 25 August 2020


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