Forms for legal practitioners

The claim form and supporting documents notify the CTP insurer of the intent to claim and provides information the CTP insurer needs to assess the claim.

Report the crash to police

Before lodging a claim for your client, the crash needs to be reported to police. If that hasn’t happened yet, please complete the Report of traffic incident to police form, take it to a police station and obtain a QP number (which is a reference number for the report):

Complete a claim form

For non-fatal injury

For a crash where someone was injured, complete the Notice of accident claim form (non-fatal) online or through the PDF form:

For fatal injury

For a crash where someone was fatally injured, complete the Notice of accident claim form (fatal) through the PDF form:

Complete supporting documents

The claim form includes some documents to support the claim. Complete these as part of the claim form or through the individual documents:

If there are any other documents to support the claim, you may wish to attach these to the claim as well. This might include things like letters from the employer or treatment provider, receipts for rehabilitation, photos, etc.

Add extra information (if needed)

If you need more space to provide information, you can attach additional pages to your claim form.

In some circumstances, the CTP insurer may request additional information. If they do, please use the Additional information form to provide that extra detail:

Request rehabilitation or reimbursement

Once the claim has complied with the requirements of legislation, your client may be entitled to ask the CTP insurer for rehabilitation or reimbursement for costs paid for rehabilitation or treatment:

Learn more

For assistance, contact us or the CTP insurer.

Last modified 7 December 2022


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