Quarterly CTP scheme insights: Jul-Sep 2021


During this quarter, Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme continued to deliver important protection to motorists and people injured in motor vehicle crashes.

From July to September 2021, we:

  • collaborated with the Department of Transport and Main Roads to ensure that motor dealers understand and meet their obligations to allow motorists to choose their CTP insurer
  • worked to consolidate the teams of MAIC, the Nominal Defendant and National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland (NIISQ) to deliver more streamlined services to Queensland
  • aligned CTP insurance premiums for personalised transport operators to reflect the similar services they provide
  • received increased uptake of the Queensland CTP claim portal, with 234 online claim forms, 40 rehabilitation or reimbursement requests, and 115 online treatment plans submitted.

In the upcoming quarter, we will:

  • continue to refine and implement our revised organisational design for MAIC, NIISQ and Nominal Defendant
  • support The Hopkins Centre, Griffith University, to engage and interview First Peoples to understand what they need to heal and get strong again after a crash (register your interest)
  • continue to improve the Queensland CTP claim portal and uncover new opportunities to improve the claim experience for our stakeholders
  • raise awareness of car crash scamming (‘claim farming’) during Scam Awareness Week in November
  • conduct prudential supervision meetings with licensed insurers.

Explore our graphs below to learn more about our scheme’s performance.

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Explore our graphs below to learn more about our scheme’s performance.

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CTP premium breakdown

This quarter, CTP insurance premiums remained stable and affordable for Queensland motorists.

Insurer market share

Market share for insurers remained consistent overall with RACQ continuing to see steady growth.

New claims

Number of new claims per quarter

The number of new claims this quarter has increased and we are exploring any underlying trends which may account for this.

Proportion of claims added per quarter

The proportion of people who engaged Queensland law firms to represent them remained similar to prior quarters. Most people (79.3%) were represented by Queensland law firms at claim lodgement and some people (19.6%) lodged their claims directly with the CTP insurer.


Number of claims added per quarter by severity

The increase in claims this quarter was driven mostly by claims of minor severity.

Traffic volume

Average growth rates in traffic flow compared to corresponding months in 2019

The volume of traffic in July and August was impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns, with a 9% decrease in July and a 15% decrease in South-East Queensland weekday traffic in August. Traffic volume returned to almost pre-COVID levels in September.

Vehicle registration

Our scheme responds to meet the needs of a wide range of people of different ages, genders, types of crashes and roles in crashes.

Number of registered vehicles by vehicle class

This quarter, the number of vehicles registered in class 1 (cars and station wagons) reached almost 3 million. Vehicles registered in class 6 (trucks, utilities and vans) also reached almost 1 million. There was a decrease in the number of vehicles registered in personalised transport vehicle classes 3, 4 and 26. Meanwhile, we noted an increase in vehicles registered in class 1 (cars and station wagons), class 2 (motorised homes), class 6 (trucks, utilities and vans) and class 12 (single-seat motorcycles).


Number of motorists switching insurers

During the last few months, there was an increase in the number of motorists switching insurers. This suggests that Queensland motorists are increasingly aware of CTP insurance and their option to select an insurer.

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Last modified 28 October 2021


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