About CTP insurance

In Queensland, Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance protects motor vehicle owners and drivers from being held financially responsible if they injure someone in a motor vehicle accident. It also enables a person who is injured wholly or partly due to the actions of another driver to access medical treatment and rehabilitation support as well as receiving fair and timely compensation.

As the name suggests, CTP insurance is a compulsory product, conveniently and cost-effectively purchased by motorists along with their vehicle registration. Because it is compulsory, there is a scheme objective to ensure premiums remain affordable for motorists.

CTP insurance is important for motorists and injured people alike. The average cost of a CTP insurance claim is around $100,000 and some claims can cost millions of dollars. This would represent a life-altering burden for motorists if they were required to pay this compensation from their own pockets.

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) regulates Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme. For over 25 years, MAIC has delivered financial protection for motorists, recovery for claimants, opportunity for service providers, and economic growth and skills building in the community.

MAIC continually looks for ways to ensure that CTP insurance remains affordable for motorists, and that genuinely injured people have timely access to treatment, rehabilitation and fair compensation. We also invest in initiatives and research to help reduce the incidence and effects of road trauma. Learn more about MAIC by viewing our Corporate publications.

Last modified 3 December 2020


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