Get the latest updates on Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme

ipad showing reportDid you know that most motor vehicle crashes occur between 3 to 6pm on weekdays? Discover these facts and more in our 2019 CTP Scheme Insights report.

The report offers an overview of Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme performance during 2019. It highlights how effectively the scheme delivers financial protection for motorists, recovery for claimants, and opportunity for service providers.

During 2019, the scheme delivered highly affordable CTP insurance premiums for motorists, with the annual CTP insurance representing only 22% of an average Queenslander’s weekly earnings.

There was also improvement to the balance of scheme delivery costs and claimant benefits. Over 60% of CTP insurance premiums were allocated to claimant benefits, which marked a 5% increase from the past 5-year average.

The year 2019 also saw the Queensland Government pass legislative reforms to stop car crash scammers from harassing Queenslanders with unwanted phone calls and breaches of privacy.

We also continued to support road safety and rehabilitation initiatives to keep Queenslanders safe on our roads and help them to recover if they do get injured.

Learn more by reading our 2019 CTP Scheme Insights report.

Last modified 16 August 2022


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