Licensing and identification muster

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has partnered with the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) to support further piloting of the Licence and Identification Muster Initiative, focusing on five communities in the Northern Peninsula and Torres Strait region. The initiative’s primary focus is to provide crucial support and access to services that divert First Nations peoples away from the justice system, specifically in relation to driving and vehicle offences that often lead to offenders being sent to correctional facilities.

A significant milestone in this collaborative effort was recently achieved with the Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Service winning the DJAG tender to carry out the initiative. The inaugural muster events took place in Saibai, Thursday Island, and Bamaga in November, marking a vital step towards addressing the challenges associated with unlicensed driving in these communities. These events, aimed at preventing individuals from entering the justice system due to driving-related offences, have laid the groundwork for further activities scheduled in 2024.

By tackling the issue of unlicensed driving head-on, the collaboration anticipates a reduction in the associated risks of road trauma. Through the funding provided by MAIC, the initiative aims to establish a business case that DJAG can leverage to seek additional funding for future iterations of these important activities. This joint effort reflects our aim to prioritise community well-being and the importance of developing preventative measures to help address issues within the community and justice system.

Last modified 14 February 2024


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