MAIC delivers 2019-20 Annual Report

You can now view the MAIC 2019-20 Annual Report of the Motor Accident Insurance Commission.

Despite the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Queensland continues to enjoy one of the most affordable and financially sound CTP Schemes in Australia and one that delivers fair and timely common law benefits to injured people.

The strength of Queensland’s CTP scheme is evident in the way it has quickly responded to a range of COVID-19 related challenges. Through collaboration with key stakeholders, MAIC has ensured claims continued to be processed and resolved and injured people continued to access medical treatment and rehabilitation support throughout 2019-20.

In a commitment to even greater transparency, MAIC launched the publication of quarterly CTP Scheme Insights reports and a scheme email newsletter to highlight the great work of research partners and to call out key aspects of scheme performance. These publications objectively inform the community about scheme experience as well as enhancing scheme awareness. The publications are available through the MAIC website:

The Nominal Defendant delivered another year of excellent performance that saw genuinely injured claimants receive fair and timely compensation and yet again the team’s excellence has enabled the Nominal Defendant levy to be further reduced in 2020-21.

MAIC is well-positioned through our innovation and research agenda, our enhanced analytics capability, and strengthened insurer supervision regime to continue improving scheme performance for the benefit of all Queensland motorists and injured people in 2020-21 and beyond.

Read the MAIC 2019-20 Annual Report to discover MAIC’s priorities, performance, and financial position for the 2019-20 financial year.

Last modified 2 October 2020


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