Minor changes to MAIC forms

Notice Of Accident Claim (NOAC)

From 31 October 2022, if you wish to lodge a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claim for personal injury in a motor vehicle accident, an updated NOAC form (version 8) will need to be lodged. The most significant change to the form is that the Law Practice Certificate has been removed. You do not need a Law Practice Certificate if you do not engage a lawyer and deal directly with the insurer about your claim. However, if you decide to retain a lawyer to act on your behalf, you must make sure that your NOAC form is accompanied by the new version of the Law Practice Certificate. You can find out more about what is required to lodge a NOAC here.

New Law Practice Certificate (LPC)

As part of an ongoing commitment to ensure ease when lodging a CTP claim, MAIC has worked with the Legal Services Commission and Office of Industrial Relations to create a single version LPC for use by legal professionals when lodging a claim.

As of 31 October 2022, this single version LPC will be in use by all three agencies. This will ensure certainty and consistency for legal practitioners and avoid unnecessary administrative burden.

The new certificate is similar to the previous version, with the addition of an alternative signature block on page 3 to allow for electronic signing and witnessing of this form and will be housed on the Legal Services Commission’s website.  For convenience, a link to the new certificate will also be available on the MAIC website here.  Users of the online eNOAC (non-fatal) claim form will automatically be directed to the new LPC.

Compliance issues

We acknowledge that there may be an adjustment period to transition to the new NOAC forms (version 8) and the new Law Practice Certificate (version 1) and we encourage all parties to adopt a pragmatic approach to remedying non-compliance. As always, compliance decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis with consideration to all the details related to the claim.

Last modified 8 March 2023


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