Newly commissioned artwork tells tale of MAIC reconciliation journey

Painting on wall in office

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission’s (MAIC) newly commissioned artwork, Travelling Together in Reconciliation by Uncle Paul Constable Calcott, depicts the transformative MAIC Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) journey. MAIC staff are presented travelling together with First Nations people in a car that is slowly driven more collaboratively.

Crucial stops represent meetings with Elders, fostering deeper understanding. Intricate dot work around the Elders illustrates the rich tapestry of language groups and communities, emphasising the diversity of Queensland First Nations. Geographically unfolding from Meanjin (Brisbane) to the hinterlands, urban centres, and coastal areas, each section signifies a distinct phase in the RAP journey.

Kangaroo tracks highlight the deliberately paced, yet perpetually forward-moving nature of the journey, emphasising reconciliation as a gradual process requiring time and connection.

The evolving vehicle corresponds to strengthened relationships through collaboration and knowledge sharing. A car is transformed into a minibus, packed with MAIC staff and First Nations people. The road becomes clearer, and challenges are more easily navigated as connections are made.

The new MAIC RAP is being finalised and will be released in 2024.

About the artist: Uncle Paul Constable Calcott

Uncle Paul Constable Calcott is of the Wiradjuri people on his father’s side, who are from the Bathurst, Wellington and Dubbo areas of NSW. His mother is Irish from Guyra, NSW.

Uncle Paul contracted polio at around 18 months of age, and he has worked in the area of disability for 40 years with the last 18 years specifically with First Nations disability communities. He is committed to ensuring First Nations people living with disability have access to services and supports that help keep them strong.

Art plays a huge part in how Uncle Paul engages and supports others living with disability to build resilience and connect to their community and culture. He facilitates a Queensland-based art group for First Nations artists living with disability that represents multiple language groups’ disability stories.


Travelling together in reconciliation painting

I first became involved with the MAIC team several years ago through my work in disabilities and supporting community members to access disability supports that are culturally respectful for them. 

The MAIC team wanted to ensure their services were culturally respectful for First Nations people living with disability. Over the years, they have demonstrated their

 respect, value and acknowledgement of the history and culture of the First Nations of this country. Led by Insurance Commissioner, Neil Singleton, and his team, they have developed strong relationships with not only me, but other Elders, and community members, and they have embedded a strong respect for culture across all their programs. 

I see this RAP as not only a commitment to building on these relationships, but also an opportunity to showcase their achievements and the leadership they have shown in working towards truly meaningful reconciliation.”

Uncle Paul Constable Calcott

Last modified 8 December 2023


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