MAIC launches new phone number

The Motor Accident and Insurance Commission (MAIC) has introduced a new general phone number to make it even easier and free for the general public and industry professionals to contact Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance regulator.

MAIC can now be contacted within Australia for free by dialling 1800 CTP QLD (1800 287 753).

We encourage all industry partners and community members to update their records to reflect the new, easy-to-remember, free call number 1800 CTP QLD (1800 287 753).

The new 1800 CTP QLD phone number builds on MAIC’s commitment to providing enhanced access and services to Queenslanders. MAIC recently revealed an improved website that features some of the latest technology ranging from an artificially intelligent chatbot – Andi, that assists web users 24/7; to a special read-aloud text function that boosts the accessibility of digital content on the MAIC website to a wider online audience.

MAIC’s commitment to innovation in the accessibility space is evident with the roll out of an online version of our CTP insurance claim form. It offers an alternative way to lodge claims so people can more quickly and securely provide the information needed to get their claim underway. Users benefit from information pop-ups, branching questions and an online search function to quickly identify the CTP insurer they need to claim with. It’s all part of MAIC’s commitment to getting people on the road to recovery sooner after they experience injury from a motor vehicle crash.

To get the latest news on MAIC initiatives, subscribe to our quarterly newsletter.

Last modified 14 April 2021


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