CARRS-Q release new road safety manual for the taxi industry

A new safe driving guide for taxi operators, owners and drivers has been released today, marking another positive step to improving road safety. Developed by Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), the Road Safety Manual for the Taxi Industry provides all Queensland taxi drivers access to a standardised safety-related framework that highlights key hazards and risks to the industry including:

  • New coordinated approach to driver safety can be adopted
  • Driver distraction and fatigue among the key factors in crashes and near-crashes
  • Safety features and technology can reduce injury in taxi accidents

The Road Safety Manual for the Taxi Industry was produced with funding from MAIC and with input from the Taxi Council of Queensland.

For further information visit

Download the Road Safety Manual for the Taxi Industry here:

Last modified 24 September 2020


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