Quarterly CTP Scheme Insights: Oct-Dec 2021


This quarter, Queenslanders continued to benefit from a stable and affordable compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance scheme.

Between October and December 2021, we:

  • continued to conduct a robust insurer audit program with full support from insurers to further improve both compliance and data quality
  • surveyed people with CTP insurance claims to better understand their experience
  • supported The Hopkins Centre, Griffith Indigenous Research Unit and Institute for Urban Indigenous Health to interview First Peoples to understand what they need to heal and get strong again after a motor vehicle crash
  • continued to improve the Queensland CTP claim portal for the benefit of people managing CTP claims
  • progressed a memorandum of understanding between MAIC and the National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (NIISQ Agency) to enhance the experience of people injured in motor vehicle crashes.

In the upcoming quarter, we will:

  • closely monitor the impact of COVID-19 on motorists and claimants to minimise adverse effects
  • analyse and share the results of our claimant survey
  • further progress our memorandum of understanding between MAIC and the NIISQ Agency
  • continue to support research to understand what First Peoples need to get strong again after a crash (register your interest).

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CTP premium breakdown

This quarter, CTP insurance premiums in Queensland remained stable in a turbulent environment.

New claims

Number of new claims per quarter

The number of claims reported in the last two quarters has been higher than the level seen since early 2020, partly due to a recovery of traffic volume on Queensland roads following COVID-related lockdowns. We continue to work with the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Police Service on initiatives to reduce the incidence and effects of road trauma.

Proportion of claims added per quarter

Similar to past quarters, most people (78.9%) engaged Queensland law firms to represent their CTP insurance claim (at the point of claim lodgment). Some people (19.2%) chose to lodge their claims directly with the CTP insurer.


Number of claims added per quarter by severity

This quarter, it was pleasing to see a sustained reduction in claims with a severity of moderate or above.

CTP insurers

Insurer market share

Market share for insurers remained consistent overall with RACQ continuing to see steady growth. Growth in RACQ’s market share came from new registrations through motor dealers and motorists switching from other insurers.

New registrations through motor dealers

Motorists select their CTP insurer when they purchase a new or used vehicle through the motor dealer. Most large motor dealer networks in Queensland use the Dealer Agency Interface System (DAIS) to register vehicles and CTP policies. According to data from DAIS which shows the split of new CTP registrations between the four insurers, RACQ has improved its share of new CTP registrations over the last few years, now representing 22.6% as at 31 December 2021.

Number of motorists switching insurers

The last two years have seen an increase in the number of motorists switching insurers. This suggests that Queensland motorists are increasingly aware of CTP insurance and the ability to compare and choose their insurer.

Nominations to switch insurer

Many motorists elect to switch insurers during the term of their policies or when their policies are due for renewal. RACQ and Suncorp have more motorists switching to them than switching away from them, resulting in net gains in policies through switchings.

Legally-represented claimants – Average claim duration (months)

We continue to monitor insurers’ legislative compliance and claims management practices, including claim durations and stages of settlement. Where variations exist between insurers, we are analysing the data and consulting with insurers to understand the reasons behind it. The duration of a claim can be influenced by injury severity, circumstances around liability, evidence gathering, and claims management approach.

Direct claimants – Average claim duration (months)

People who lodge claims directly with an insurer tend to experience shorter claim durations than people who lodge claims through legal representatives. This may be because people often seek legal assistance when their claim is more complex.

Traffic volume

Average growth rates in traffic flow compared to corresponding months in 2019

The volume of traffic on Queensland roads returned to normal following a decrease during lockdown in August 2021. Traffic volume is slightly higher during weekends compared to its 2019 level.

Vehicle registration

Number of registered vehicles by vehicle class

The number of registered vehicles experienced another quarter of steady growth, growing by 0.5% in the last quarter. The vehicle classes with the strongest growth were class 4 hire vehicles, class 24 heavy trailers and class 12 motorcycles, which grew by 6.1%, 3.3% and 1.6% respectively in the last quarter.

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Last modified 15 February 2022


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