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Please note: Any personal information you provide to us will be used for the purpose specified at the time it is collected, and will otherwise be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Your personal information will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent or as authorised by law.

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Call 1800 512 451 and ask for an interpreter. You may view this message in other languages.

National Relay Service
If you are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech communication difficulty, contact us through the National Relay Service. Choose your access option (information here) and provide 1800 287 753 when asked by the relay officer.

Motor Accident Insurance Commission

  • Telephone:

    To request a callback to assist you with your enquiry, please contact MAIC on
    1800 CTP QLD (1800 287 753)

    Overseas: +61 7 3035 6336
  • Best suited for mobile devices with Messenger

    Start a conversation with us on Messenger
  • Address:

    275 George Street
    Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia

    GPO Box 2203
    BRISBANE QLD 4001 Australia

Motor Accident Insurance Commission media enquiries

Nominal Defendant

  • Telephone:

    +61 7 3035 6321

    +61 7 3532 0258
  • Address:

    275 George Street
    Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia

    GPO Box 2203
    BRISBANE QLD 4001 Australia

Social media




Last modified 2 January 2025


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Hello, I'm Andi. I'm here to help you with your CTP related enquiries.