ANCAP releases new app to compare vehicle safety ratings

A factor which should always be considered when purchasing a new car is the vehicle’s safety rating. This rating is not always easy to find when visiting a dealer or purchasing online. It is therefore exciting that the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (or ANCAP) have released the new ANCAP Safety app on the Apple Store and Google Play.

This free app allows prospective buyers to see how the car’s safety credentials measure up. In particular, the app allows you to:

  • Search safety ratings;
  • Compare up to three vehicle’s safety ratings at a time;
  • Write notes (which can include photographs); and
  • Keep up to date with the safest new models as they go to market.

Additionally, the app features a ‘Crash Log’ which helps you step through the information you need to obtain if you are involved in an accident. It allows you to take photos of the damage, capture driver’s licence and registration details and easily forward this information to your insurer. The accessibility of this app means that it is a ‘no-brainer’ to take along to car showrooms to ensure your new purchase will protect yourself and the passengers in your vehicle.

ANCAP recommend purchasing a vehicle with a 5-star safety rating. A 5-star rating is the highest possible rating and means that a vehicle meets strict criteria when assessed using the frontal offset test at 64km/hr. These vehicles will have a high level of protection for the head, body and legs as well as survivability for both driver and passenger. They have acceptable protection on the lower legs and the chest of the passenger with only a slight chance of serious and non life threatening injury to these areas. To read more on ANCAP safety ratings, please visit the ANCAP website.

Last modified 6 October 2017


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