The world as we know it is rapidly changing, with new technologies being developed every day. To ensure we can effectively harness these innovations and updates, the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has been proudly collaborating with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to investigate how we can apply the use of these emerging and evolving technologies to Queensland roads through the Cooperative and Autonomous Vehicle Initiative (CAVI).
From a Queensland CTP perspective, given that 90% of crashes are currently caused by human error, the adoption of cooperative and automated vehicle technologies that make roads safer has the potential to be a game changer in terms of reducing road trauma and thus the number of claims within our scheme. A recent report on Channel 9 news has highlighted the significant outcomes achieved to date through CAVI, including the ongoing testing of Zoe 2, the fully autonomous vehicle on Queensland roads, most recently in Mount Isa.
MAIC’s involvement also extends to our funding of the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q) at the Queensland University of Technology. CARRS-Q researchers, including Professor Sebastien Glaser (featured in the Channel 9 story), have developed international expertise in the autonomous vehicle space and have been engaged by TMR to help deliver the evidence-based research in which this technology can be effectively tested and validated.
CARRS-Q were recently also successful in obtaining a major Australian Research Council grant, which will establish an Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Automated Vehicles in Rural and Remote Regions which will run for the next five years, bringing Queensland another step closer to maximising usage of this technology to enhance road safety. Training Centre for Automated Vehicles in Rural and Remote Regions – Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) (qut.edu.au) To learn more about CAVI you can also visit Connected & Automated Vehicles | Transport and motoring | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)