FAQs for the new security model (user access management) for insurers and legal firms

The security model has been developed for insurers and legal firms to ensure ease of use for multiple users accessing the Queensland CPT Claims Portal. View our FAQs below or contact us for assistance.

The new security model makes it easy to provide multiple users secure access to QLD CTP Claims Portal. It enables you to:

  • Manage your users and their access
  • Manage business coordinators and their access
  • Allow all users within the same business group to access forms such as Online claim forms, rehabilitation/reimbursement forms and treatment plans.

CTP insurers and Law firms.

A business coordinator can permit users and other business coordinators to access dashboards on the CTP claims portal. Whereas the user only has the ability to access dashboards and cannot manage other users’ access.

Yes. You can also have access to dashboards and forms.

The new security model supports multiple methods to:

  • Add, edit, and remove users
  • Add, edit, and remove business coordinators
  • Create and edit workgroups (only available for law firms)

A workgroup is a subgroup of a business group and can be created and managed by business coordinators.

  • Every user in a law firm has to belong to at least one of the workgroups or be a coordinator
  • Workgroups can always be renamed

There is no limit to the number of users

It is recommended that you keep the number of business coordinators between 2 and 5.

  • Firstly, you must ensure that the user you are about to add has already created an account with a business email address via https://ctpportal.maic.qld.gov.au
  • Once the user has been registered, you should be able to simply add the user to the group under “User access” tab.

Please ensure that:

  • The user you’re trying to add already has an account on our CTP claims portal
  • The user used a business email address and created an account (the user must not use myGovID for this)
  • The user’s business email address ends with the same domain as the business group (e.g. @abc.test123.com.au)

Yes. Please note that once the user has been removed from the group, the account will be deactivated until the user is added back to the business group.


  • For insurers, all submitted forms will be available to any users who have access to the business group. If you remove a user, everyone else except for that user will still have access to submissions.
  • For law firms, all draft and submitted forms will be available to users who belong to workgroup/s. If you remove a user, that user will lose access to all forms however, people who are in the same workgroup will still have access.

The search feature is available to filter through the list of users by their name, systems they have access to and workgroups.

Yes, if a user is in multiple workgroups when the form is created. The user workgroups will be able to access the form, whether in draft or submitted.

Coordinators will need to be granted the appropriate access to the relevant forms.

  • As an insurer, the coordinator will need to be added by themself or another coordinator to the form type.
  • As a legal firm, the coordinator will need to be added by themself or another coordinator to the workgroup(s).

Last modified 16 July 2023


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