Injury and disability schemes seminar 2023: whole person, whole system

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) was delighted to present at the Injury and Disability Schemes Seminar (IDSS) 2023: whole person, whole system recently. Insurance Commissioner Neil Singleton presented at the closing remarks where he speculated on what our scheme may look like in 10 years’ time. Think Jetsons style Uber air taxis in a post-Paralympic Games Brisbane paradise, high-tech sensors to remotely monitor injuries, empathic and effective chatbots. David Vincent (MAIC General Manager updated the audience on the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme’s focus on being fair, affordable and stable. Gaenor Walker (General Manager of our sister agency, NIISQ) also provided a high-level update on NIISQ agency trends and performance.

Hosted 12-14 November in Hobart by the Actuaries Institute, this year’s theme, ‘Whole person, whole system’, explored the intersection of the needs of individuals and the larger systems that serve them. By focusing on the whole person, rather than just the injury or disability, providers improve outcomes for individuals while ensuring the sustainability of the larger system.

The conference was a fantastic opportunity for actuaries, scheme administrators, regulators, researchers, injury and disability specialists and service providers throughout Australasia to gather to share insights on topical industry issues and future developments — to help achieve better individual outcomes for clients.

Image of four adults standing in front of a blue wall
Left to right: Neil Singleton (CEO, NIISQ), Kirsten Vallmuur (Professor and Chair, The Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation, Queensland University of Technology), Kim Birch (CEO, CTP Insurance Regulator South Australia, Alex Collie (Director, Monash University)

Last modified 3 July 2024


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