
The following legislation applies to Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance claims in Queensland.

Access the legislation by clicking on the links below:

Civil Liability Act 2003
Civil Liability Regulation 2014
Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994
Motor Accident Insurance Regulation 2018

The Civil Liability Act 2003 applies to accidents in Queensland occurring on or after 2 December 2002. The Civil Liability Act 2003 operates, and should be read with, the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994.

The Civil Liability Act 2003 affects the type of claims that can be made as well as limiting some of the compensation that can be claimed. See Chapter 3 – Assessment of damages for personal injury of the Civil Liability Act 2003.

For further information on how the Civil Liability Act 2003 affects your claim contact the CTP insurer involved or your solicitor (if you are legally represented).

Online searches for the complete range of Queensland Government legislation may be conducted from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel web site.

Legislation is available in Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open and print PDF files and is free to download.

Last modified 3 July 2024


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