The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has recently agreed to extend our collaboration with Spinal Life Australia to support the Back2Work program for an additional year.
In 2016, MAIC signed its first funding agreement with Spinal Life Australia to establish a pilot inpatient vocational rehabilitation service, Back2Work, for patients with a newly acquired spinal cord injury. The program was conceived to increase rates of return to employment and enhance the return-to-work experience for injured adult Queenslanders. The program is operated by Spinal Life Australia from the Spinal Injuries Unit at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Since its inception, the program has received over 440 referrals to the program and has assisted 43% of its participants to return to work and/or study within 12 months of injury, well above the current CTP claimant return to work rate of 20% of those with spinal cord injuries, at the time of claim settlement. The success story doesn’t end with return-to-work rates; research conducted by Griffith University reveals that Back2Work clients report significantly improved mental health, confidence, and optimism, by virtue of participation in the program.
Spinal Life Australia has kindly supplied us the below update from Back2Work client Jacques, who with their assistance has returned to his pre-injury service mechanic role following his spinal cord injury. Our friends at the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIISQ) may recognise Jacques, who is a lifetime NIISQ participant.