
Conference Roundup

Across the last quarter, the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has been busy presenting and sponsoring road safety and rehabilitation conferences across Australia. Here are a few key highlights: Australian…
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QUT Data Linkage Fellowship extension

A long-standing area of concern for road safety in Queensland was the lack of comprehensive data linkage in order to understand the true picture of road trauma. Privacy and legislative restrictions…
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MAIC 30th anniversary 1994 – 2024 

This month we have been reflecting and celebrating on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC).

‘First on Scene’ pilot program with Queensland Trucking Association and Griffith University successfully completed

In 2022, MAIC provided funding to the Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) to develop and implement First on Scene, a pilot program that incorporated first aid and crash scene management training tailored to heavy vehicle drivers. With the assistance of Queensland Ambulance, Energy Australia, St John’s Ambulance and the Queensland Police Service, this pilot has recently been completed and resulted in the training being delivered to 129 truck drivers across Queensland.

MAIC funded PCYC Braking the Cycle: Mentors and participants share their stories

To coincide with Queensland Road Safety Week, we recently hosted representatives from PCYC’s Braking the Cycle learner driver mentor program.  MAIC’s funding of this award-winning program commenced in 2017 and since this time has supported learner drivers without access to a supervisor or registered vehicle to complete their logbook hours. The aim of the program is to reduce unlicensed driving as well as enhancing increased employment opportunities, community connection and road safety education.

MAIC extends Back2Work Program funding

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has recently agreed to extend our collaboration with Spinal Life Australia to support the Back2Work program for an additional year. In 2016, MAIC signed…
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