Quarter one insights unveiled

CTP Scheme Insights Quarter 1 2020

How did Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme measure up in the first quarter of 2020? Our CTP Scheme Insights report tells you exactly that.

In the midst of COVID-19, we worked closely with industry stakeholders to continue supporting Queensland motorists and claimants.

CTP insurance premiums remained affordable to motorists – the most affordable in Australia when measured as a percentage of Average Weekly Earnings.

Scheme efficiency improved by 5 per cent which meant that more of the CTP insurance premium went towards injured people and less went towards the cost of delivering the scheme.

Fewer taxis, rideshare and booked hire vehicles were registered, but registration of other vehicle types increased steadily as expected. By all accounts, Queenslanders successfully flattened the curve of the CarOwner virus.

Discover more in the CTP Scheme Insights edition for Quarter 1 2020.

Last modified 6 April 2021


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