Annual Report 2012-13

2012-13 Motor Accident Insurance Commission Annual Report

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission reports to the State Parliament through the Treasurer and prepares an annual report, as required by the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 and the Financial Accountability Act 2009.

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Complete 2012-13 Annual Report (PDF 1,540 K)

( pdf 1.50 Mb )

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© Motor Accident Insurance Commission 2013

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The Motor Accident Insurance Commission Annual Report 2012-13

Letter of compliance

The Honourable Tim Nicholls MP
Treasurer of Queensland and Minister for Trade
GPO Box 611
Brisbane Qld 4001

Dear Treasurer

I am pleased to present the 2012-13 annual report and financial statements for the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Nominal Defendant.

I certify that this Annual Report complies with:

  • the prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009, Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 and the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994, and
  • the detailed requirements set out in the Annual Report requirements for Queensland Government agencies.

A checklist outlining the annual reporting requirements can be accessed at

Yours sincerely

Neil Singleton
Insurance Commissioner

About MAIC

MAIC is responsible for regulating Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme and managing the Nominal Defendant.

Established under the MAI Act, MAIC has been located in Brisbane since it commenced operations on 1 September 1994.

Organisationally, MAIC and the Nominal Defendant are positioned within the Economic and Structural Policy division of Queensland Treasury and Trade.


Ensuring financial protection that makes Queensland stronger, fairer and safer, through:

  • overseeing an affordable and efficient CTP scheme, and
  • sound research funding, service delivery, policy development and strategic advice.


MAIC is responsible for ensuring a fair, efficient, affordable and effective motor accident insurance scheme.


MAIC is responsible for:

  • ensuring people injured in road accidents can access fair compensation;
  • compensating people who are injured as a result of the negligent driving of unidentified and/or uninsured motor vehicles through the Nominal Defendant;
  • ensuring Queensland motorists receive affordable premiums;
  • the regulation of insurers’ activity and compliance; and
  • meeting any claim costs of insolvent insurers.


MAIC’s key functions involve:

  • licensing and supervising CTP insurers;
  • monitoring the operation of the scheme;
  • fixing the range within which each insurer’s premium must fall and recommending to Government the levies payable;
  • promoting research, education and the infrastructure to facilitate the rehabilitation of the injured person;
  • developing and maintaining a claims register and statistical database for the purpose of providing management information; and
  • administering the Nominal Defendant Fund.

How we contribute to the Queensland Government objectives for the community

MAIC contributes to lowering the cost of living for families by monitoring CTP scheme affordability and advising the Queensland Government on appropriate action.

MAIC contributes to revitalising front line services by investing in targeted research and service delivery initiatives which benefit motorists and improve health outcomes for people injured in motor vehicle crashes.


Queensland's CTP scheme

Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme is a common law fault based scheme and is currently underwritten by five licensed private insurers who accept applications for insurance and manage claims on behalf of their policyholders. The scheme has operated since 1936, overseeing the provision of insurance policies covering unlimited liability for personal injuries to motor vehicle owners, drivers, passengers and other persons injured in motor vehicle accidents to which the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 (the MAI Act) applies.

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) regulates insurance premium costs by setting floor and ceiling premium bands for each vehicle class within which CTP insurers must set premiums. An efficient system of premium collection, through the motor vehicle registry of the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR), minimises administration costs within the scheme.

The Nominal Defendant is a statutory body established under the MAI Act for the purpose of compensating people who are injured as a result of the negligent driving of unidentified and/or uninsured (no CTP insurance) motor vehicles. The Nominal Defendant has the extended role of meeting the claims costs of any licensed insurer which may become insolvent.

Insurance Commissioner's Report

The Queensland CTP scheme remains stable and affordable.

During the course of the year, premiums for Class 1 vehicles rose by 2.8 per cent and many motorists received additional savings or benefits offered by licensed insurers.

The number of new claims continued to reduce while the cost of claims settled remained stable. While this is a good outcome for the scheme, MAIC continues to provide support for initiatives aimed at further reducing the incidence and effects of road trauma.

The Nominal Defendant performed strongly in protecting people injured by an unregistered or unidentified motor vehicle enabling a reduction in the Nominal Defendant levy for 2013–14.

MAIC commissioned market research to understand motorist’s views of the scheme and what is important to them. The overwhelming feedback was the need for CTP premiums to remain affordable. This reinforces the need to continually improve scheme experience whether through direct action by MAIC or through supporting improvement initiatives by other stakeholders.

Premium income for the year totalled $1.3bn. Understanding where these dollars go is important. The Scheme Performance Report (see page 14) indicates that over the past five years, 63.8 per cent of premium dollars were expended on claimant benefits and the remaining 36.2 per cent funded scheme delivery costs.

MAIC wants to better understand the elements comprising the 63.8 per cent – what types of compensation are paid and how those funds are being applied. During the coming year MAIC will commission claimant research and undertake analysis to identify opportunities to further improve scheme performance.

MAIC is proud of the continued association with the research centres CARRS-Q (based at Queensland University of Technology) and CONROD (based at University of Queensland). The high quality research completed by these centres continues to inform policy considerations and supports development of initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence and effect of road trauma.

It is pleasing to see broader research opportunities also being pursued. MAIC recently joined with Professor Perry Bartlett at the Queensland Brain Injury Institute to enter a five year funding agreement to support the establishment of the Professorial Fellowship in Traumatic Brain Injury Research. With road crashes being the single biggest cause of traumatic brain injury, research that helps to mitigate the effect of this catastrophic injury has the potential to improve outcomes for injured people as well as improving outcomes for the CTP scheme.

I express my appreciation to the MAIC and Nominal Defendant teams for their sustained performance during the course of the year. We are proud to be continuing and improving the Queensland CTP scheme now and into the future.

Year in Review

During 2012–13, MAIC continued its focus on efficiently regulating the Queensland CTP scheme to ensure the scheme remained affordable for motorists and delivered fair and timely compensation for injured claimants.

At June 2013, the Queensland CTP scheme covered 3.8 million registered motor vehicles. During the 2012-13 financial year, 6474 claims were notified to CTP insurers and $832 million was paid in claimant costs and compensation*.

MAIC supports ongoing road safety and injury management research aimed at reducing the frequency, severity and impact of road trauma. MAIC collaborated with key research bodies – the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety (CARRSQ) and the Centre of National Research on Disability and Rehabilitation Medicine (CONROD) – to ensure their focus is aligned with the priorities of the CTP scheme.

MAIC also worked with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) and Queensland Police Service (QPS) as the lead agencies for road safety in Queensland in order to progress initiatives of mutual benefit and aligned to the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2013–2015.

In 2011, as part of the Queensland Government support for the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety, MAIC set a ten year goal to seek to reduce the frequency of claims from 2.0 per 1000 vehicles to 1.4 claims per 1000 vehicles — a 30 per cent reduction by 2020. While more still needs to be done, it is pleasing to note that claim frequency is reducing and is currently around 1.8 claims per 1000 vehicles.

During the year, the Suncorp Group undertook a corporate restructure. As a result, MAIC withdrew the Suncorp Group’s two existing Queensland CTP licences, issued to AAMI and Suncorp Metway Insurance Limited, as at 30 June 2013 and issued a new license to AAI Limited trading as Suncorp Insurance, effective 1 July 2013. Facilitating this change required significant effort and collaboration between MAIC and DTMR. MAIC greatly appreciates the support received from DTMR in prioritising this activity and contributing to a smooth and seamless transition.

In 2012–13, CTP premiums for Class 1 vehicles (cars and station wagons) remained amongst the lowest in Australia. Based on a MAIC commissioned 2013 survey of Queensland motorists, the vast majority of motorists prefer a CTP scheme that focuses on affordable premiums ahead of price competition between insurers. MAIC has shared the survey results with licensed insurers and ongoing discussions will be held to action insights from this material during the coming year.

MAIC continues to monitor insurer premiums to ensure the scheme remains fully funded to meet future expected claim payments and provide a fair profit margin for insurers.

Fraud deterrence and management remains an ongoing area of focus for MAIC as well as for licensed insurers. Of the eight matters referred by licensed insurers to MAIC in 2012–13, seven were either successfully prosecuted, referred to QPS for prosecution, or remain under review and investigation by MAIC.

During the year, MAIC became aware of a disturbing scam involving what appeared to be overseas-based phone operators cold calling people and offering to arrange legal representation to secure financial compensation by initiating a CTP claim. In several instances the people being contacted had not been involved in a car crash or suffered any injuries. It remains unclear how this scam originated or where personal contact details were sourced from. MAIC referred the matter to QPS and also discussed this with the Legal Services Commissioner and Queensland Law Society – all of whom assisted in seeking to deter any fraudulent claims being progressed. MAIC greatly appreciates the prompt and professional support received and remains vigilant to this issue.

MAIC worked with licensed insurers on a range of claims benchmarking and compliance aspects. These interactions are positive in nature and beneficial for insurers and overall scheme experience.

During the last year, the percentage of CTP claimants who chose to represent themselves (as opposed to engaging a lawyer) held steady at about 25 per cent. Typically their injuries are relatively minor and their claims are straightforward. To complement CTP insurers’ own initiatives, MAIC has developed resources to support self-represented claimants, including updated and expanded information available through the MAIC CTP helpline and website.

MAIC also worked with key stakeholders on specific issues and themes related to the CTP scheme. In 2012–13, MAIC worked in collaboration with the Queensland Law Society, Australian Lawyers Alliance, Australian Physiotherapy Association, Queensland Taxi Council and various rehabilitation providers. The positive and constructive relationships with all stakeholders are an important factor in maintaining balance and stability in the scheme.

In 2013–14, MAIC will maintain efficient and effective regulation of the scheme and will support sound research investment to further improve the efficiency and affordability of the CTP scheme.

* The CTP scheme by nature is long-tail, with the majority of compensation payments made during the 2012–13 financial year representing compensation for claims lodged in the years up to 2012–13. Figures are based on actual payments, not inflated to current values.

Nominal Defendant Performance

In 2012–13 the Nominal Defendant completed a tender for its legal services, effective from 1 December 2012. The tender was highly competitive and resulted in a panel of specialist legal firms that has started to deliver improved financial outcomes for the Nominal Defendant scheme. The focus on the Nominal Defendant’s current legal services also meant a greater than expected number of claims were settled in 2012–13.

2013–14 will see the implementation of a new claims management system with the introduction of document imaging and workflow management. In addition the end to end process of recovering claims settlement monies from uninsured owners and drivers will be reviewed to ensure the Nominal Defendant is achieving the best financial results for the Fund.

Report card

Highlights Performance indicators Notes Target Outcome
ObjectiveProvide a viable and equitable personal injury motor accident insurance scheme.

Completed a survey of motor vehicle owners on factors relating to CTP insurance.

Setting of premium bands within legislated timeframes.

100% 100%

CTP claims benchmark report and process analysis undertaken to inform and support licensed insurers focus on best practice in claims management.

Recommended to the Treasurer annual CTP levies by legislated timeframes.

100% 100%

SIS Levy funds expended on grants per registered vehicle.


$0.31 $0.52
ObjectiveImprove the performance of the operation of the Nominal Defendant.
  • Finalised 382 claims (including 11 FAI claims).
  • Recovered $432,615.90.
  • Earned $86,828,470 in investment income on the Nominal Defendant Fund.

Percentage of Nominal Defendant claims finalised as a percentage of the number outstanding at the start of the financial year.

50% 69%
  • Received $15,711,908 from HIH Liquidators.
  • Introduced a new Nominal Defendant Legal Panel.

Percentage of Nominal Defendant claims settled within two years of compliance.

50% 51%
  • Continued with a business process improvement project which will deliver best practice claims management processes and replace the Nominal Defendant’s aged claims management system.
  • Commenced a project to improve the recovery process for claims involving uninsured owners and drivers.

Percentage of Nominal Defendant claims with General Damages paid within 60 days of the settlement date.

95% 95.6%
ObjectiveProvide a corporate governance model that facilitates the Commission’s vision and meets the State’s financial and performance standards.
  • Delivered required business performance and outcomes within budget.

Financial requirements outlined in the Financial Accountability Act 2009 are met.

100% 100%
  • External audit reports and ongoing internal audits confirm our financial corporate governance structure is appropriate and meets requirements.
  • Initiated Business Process Mapping to deliver more efficient operating performance.

Planning and reporting requirements outlined in the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 are met.

100% 100%
  • Achieved cost efficiencies through reviews and tenders of external provider arrangements.
  • Enhanced staff development framework with a new online system.

Staff capabilities align with strategic plan.

100% 100%
  1. The increase in CTP levy funds expended on grants per registered vehicle is primarily due to MAIC’s operating expenses being lower than anticipated. Grant expenditure is funded from the Statutory Insurance Scheme Levy, penalties revenue and Queensland Investment Corporation investments. Note this service standard has been amended in the 2013–14 Service Delivery Statements to measure actual grant expenditure per registered vehicle, regardless of the funding source.

Keeping Queensland CTP premiums affordable in a fair and balanced

Queensland motor vehicle owners benefit from one of the most affordable CTP schemes in Australia while injured people are supported by access to early intervention rehabilitation and third party compensation entitlements.

There is an ongoing need to monitor the balance in terms of how compensation funds are being awarded and applied given that these funds are provided by motorists in the payment of CTP premiums.

Motor vehicle owners want affordability

The MAIC-commissioned motorist market research provided overwhelming evidence that Queenslanders would prefer a CTP scheme that delivers affordable premiums ahead of price competition between insurers if that is not delivering the most affordable premiums.

Resoundingly, survey participants identified premium affordability as the most important factor to them – more important than choice of CTP insurer, price competition or access to multi-policy discounts.

Maintaining a simple and efficient mechanism to pay and renew CTP insurance was also a clear feature for motorists.

This feedback has reaffirmed to MAIC the need to increase the emphasis on analysing the cost factors that make up CTP premiums in order to preserve and improve scheme balance and affordability.

Where does the premium dollar go?

Factors contributing to the price of CTP premiums include the average cost of claims (benefits), the number of claims (frequency), insurer administrative costs, and economic factors related to the investment of premiums by insurers to meet future claims payments.

In the five years to December 2012, it is estimated that 63.8 per cent of premium dollars was spent on claimant benefits, while the remaining 36.2 per cent funded scheme delivery costs1.

Claimant benefits include payments for the claimant’s economic loss, legal costs, general damages and medical and like expenses including hospital and emergency services reflected in scheme levies. The claimant benefit breakdown2 highlights how these funds are awarded.

1Delivery costs include insurer claims handling expenses and legal and investigation costs, reinsurance, costs and profit margin as well as the statutory insurance scheme levy and fees.

MAIC surveys motor vehicle owners

In April 2013, MAIC commissioned Market & Communications Research to undertake qualitative and quantitative market research of motor vehicle owners. The research covered questions about their experience with the CTP scheme including CTP premium affordability, price competition and factors around purchase decisions. Three focus groups were conducted and 500 Queensland motorists were surveyed. Key findings included:

  • Preference for a scheme focused on affordable premiums (86 per cent) over one focused on promoting price competition between insurers (14 per cent).
  • Motorists want an easy and simple method of choosing and renewing CTP insurance with 79 per cent preferring to continue paying their CTP renewal with motor vehicle registration.

These findings support MAIC’s focus on affordable CTP premiums and a simple method of processing CTP renewal

Leading the Motor Accident Insurance Commission

Reporting to the State Parliament through the Treasurer and Minister for Trade, Insurance Commissioner Neil Singleton sets the direction for MAIC and the Nominal Defendant.

The Insurance Commissioner is supported by General Manager Motor Accident Insurance Regulation Kim Birch, Director Corporate Governance Lina Lee, Director Technology and Business Intelligence Gavin Charlton and Manager Claims Michael Jarrett – collectively they are the leadership team.

The leadership team’s role is to drive MAIC and the Nominal Defendant’s performance, ensuring the organisation meets the objectives and major activities set out in the strategic plan. The Leadership Team is also responsible for determining operational policy and strategies to identify and manage key areas of risk.

The below roles comprised our leadership team, as at 30 June 2013.

B. Bus (Insurance), MBA, ANZIIF (Fellow), CIP, GAICD

Appointed as Insurance Commissioner in December 2010. Prior to this appointment Neil acquired over 30 years insurance experience across a broad range of management and executive positions.

Neil’s responsibilities include providing strong strategic leadership to ensure a viable, affordable and equitable CTP scheme in Queensland.


Appointed to MAIC in 2001, Kim’s responsibilities include providing high-level strategic

advice to the Insurance Commissioner and leading the development and implementation of strategies and policies for regulating the CTP insurance scheme in Queensland.

Kim has a nursing background as well as a further six years’ experience within the CTP insurance industry prior to her appointment to MAIC.

B.Com, CA

Appointed to MAIC in 2006, Lina’s responsibilities include strategic and business planning, financial management, office management, organisational reporting, business support and ensuring MAIC meets statutory and government reporting obligations. Lina has an accountancy and auditing background covering the chartered profession, commerce, industry, and more recently the public sector.

Appointed in October 2011. Prior to this appointment Gavin has acquired 20 years of experience working in the Information Technology and Business Intelligence domains across a number of sectors including insurance, rail and media. Gavin’s responsibilities include providing strategic and operational direction of the Information Technology and Business Intelligence assets for MAIC.

Appointed to MAIC in 2010, Mike’s responsibilities include the efficient and effective day to day management of the claims function of the Nominal Defendant. His roles within the Commission have encompassed the provision of strategic advice and the development and implementation of a number of claims management initiatives. Mike has extensive operational insurance experience and prior to his appointment to MAIC held a number of management positions within the personal injury claims environment.




MAIC works in partnership with Queensland Treasury and Trade (QTT) to ensure its workforce has the skills and capabilities to progress its strategic objectives. As part of this partnership, MAIC has adopted QTT’s frameworks for workforce planning, employee performance management, leadership development and industrial and employee relations. QTT provides MAIC with strategic advice and support on issues such as recruitment, attraction, retention, induction, performance management, talent management and recognition.

In addition to providing MAIC with human resource support services, QTT’s Human Resources branch also assists MAIC with meeting its obligations under the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994. MAIC staff access QTT’s suite of online training modules specific to public sector ethics and the Queensland Government Code of Conduct. The online training package is rolled out to all new MAIC staff and all staff are required to complete the training annually.

In October 2012, MAIC piloted QTT’s new online Achievement and Development Plan (ADP) performance management system. Since the new system was introduced, staff participation in performance planning has improved and MAIC’s leadership team now have greater visibility of staff performance plans.

During the year, MAIC’s workforce accessed QTT’s flexible work arrangements and policies including part-time work arrangements and telecommuting / working from home. Staff also benefited from QTT’s workplace health and wellbeing policy and services including annual flu vaccinations, the employee assistance program, access to first aid officers, corporate health insurance rates and the opportunity to attend health workshops.

MAIC’s full-time equivalent staff establishment, employee expenses and key executive management personnel and remuneration information can be found in the Financial Information (pages 23-49 for MAIC and pages 51-85 for the Nominal Defendant). Additional information on QTT’s workforce strategies and frameworks, along with workforce statistics that include MAIC, can be located in Treasury and Trade’s annual report.

Managing risks and ensuring accountability

Managing risks

MAIC is committed to establishing an organisational culture that ensures risk management is an integral part of all activities and a core management capability. MAIC’s risk management philosophy is aided by QTT, who provides us with a framework for regularly reviewing the importance, probability and treatment of risks.

As part of MAIC’s annual planning and reporting processes, the leadership team identifies risks and opportunities which could impact on MAIC achieving its objectives. Risk mitigating strategies are identified and implemented. Risks are recorded in QTT’s risk register and reviewed on a six-monthly basis. The risk register is also reviewed annually by external auditors.

MAIC is committed to business continuity management as an integral component of risk management, to ensure continuity of key business services which are essential for or contribute to achievement of MAIC’s goals.

In addition to managing operational risks, as part of our project management methodology, we identify risks associated with projects and develop solutions to mitigate and manage them. Project reporting includes continual assessment of risks, their impact and the need for intervention.

MAIC participates in QTT wide risk and accountability management through representation on the Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Audit and Risk Management Committee

In 2012, QTT combined its risk management and audit functions by merging its risk management and audit committees. MAIC is represented on QTT’s Audit and Risk Management Committee by the Insurance Commissioner Neil Singleton. The committee’s key responsibilities include:

  • considering audit and audit-related findings.
  • assessing and enhancing corporate governance processes including our systems of internal control and the internal audit function.
  • evaluating and facilitating the practical discharge of the internal audit function, particularly in planning, monitoring and reporting.
  • overseeing and appraising financial and operational reporting processes through the internal audit function.
  • reviewing risk management and mitigation strategies.
  • reviewing the effectiveness of risk management framework and process for identifying, monitoring and managing significant business risks, including fraud.

In 2012–13, the committee met four times and considered a range of matters including reviewing the 2011–12 financial statements for MAIC and the Nominal Defendant.

Ensuring accountability

MAIC’s governance framework includes both internal and external accountability measures.

QTT provide internal audit services to MAIC. In 2012–13, QTT appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Australia to deliver internal audit services. Although outsourced to PwC, the new team sits seamlessly within QTT. The Internal Audit function provides an independent and objective assurance service and operates in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter which has incorporated key internal audit and ethical standards. The Internal Audit function is also independent of the Queensland Audit Office (QAO), although it liaises with QAO regularly.

Externally, MAIC and the Nominal Defendant are audited by the Queensland Audit Office in accordance with the Financial Accountability Act 2009. MAIC and the Nominal Defendant have achieved unqualified audits since the Commission commenced operations in 1994.

More information on QTT’s Audit and Risk Management framework including information about the committee, can be located in QTT’s annual report.

Levies and Administration Fee

Queensland’s CTP insurance premium contains levies and an administration fee to help cover the costs involved in delivering different components of the CTP scheme. These levies and administration fee are calculated annually and include the Statutory Insurance Scheme Levy, the Nominal Defendant Levy, the Hospital and Emergency Services Levy and an Administration Fee (payable to the DTMR).

The Statutory Insurance Scheme Levy

The Statutory Insurance Scheme Levy covers the estimated operating costs of administering the MAI Act and also provides funding for research into accident prevention and injury mitigation. From 1 July 2012, the levy remained unchanged at $1.85 per policy and the levy collected income of $7.1 million in 2012–13.

The Nominal Defendant Levy

The Nominal Defendant Levy, which varies by vehicle class, covers the estimated costs of the Nominal Defendant scheme which provides funds to pay for claims relating to uninsured or unidentified vehicles. The levy is set having regard to an actuarial assessment of claim trends. From 1 July 2012, the levy for Class 1 vehicles was $12.35, remaining unchanged from 2011–12, with $46.4 million collected in 2012–13.

The Hospital and Emergency Services Levy

The Hospital and Emergency Services Levy is designed to cover a reasonable proportion of the estimated cost of providing public hospital and public emergency services to people who are injured in motor vehicle accidents, who use such services and who are claimants or potential claimants under the CTP scheme. The levy amount calculated varies by vehicle class. From 1 July 2012, the Hospital and Emergency Services Levy increased by $0.80 to $16.90 for Class 1 vehicles. Proceeds from this levy are then apportioned to Queensland Health and the Department of Community Safety.

The Administration Fee

The Administration Fee is the fee payable to the DTMR for delivering administrative support for the CTP scheme. From 1 July 2012, the fee remains unchanged at $7.70 per policy. In the year 2012–13, $32 million was collected.

CTP scheme statistics

The statistical report (PDF 560 K) covers all aspects of the CTP scheme required by the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994, including:

Vehicle registrations and CTP premiums collected
Scheme delivery components and affordability
Average Class 1 filed premiums and market share by insurer
Accidents by region
Claims by gender and severity
Rates of legal representation and litigation
Claim duration
Claim payments by heads of damage and injury severity

Financial information

These financial statements are an electronic presentation of the audited statements for the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Nominal Defendant.

Financial information (PDF 935 K)


This section of the Motor Accident Insurance Commission Annual Report 2012-13 includes information on:

Additional Information

Consultancies and overseas travel

Motor Accident Insurance Commission Consultancies

Actual expenditure – end of financial yearProfessional and technical $407,760

Nominal Defendant Consultancies

Actual expenditure – end of financial yearProfessional and technical $54,545

Overseas Travel
Nil to report.


Last modified 3 July 2024


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