Digital treatment plans a winner with usage more than tripled in one year

Innovation and efficiency continue to be at the forefront of MAIC development as we work to provide services that improve the experience of claimants and stakeholders.

One example of this is our digital treatment plans project, which has been so well received by users that we have seen the amount of digital lodgements triple in one year. Treatment plans are required documents to be completed by qualified medical professionals as part of the CTP claim process.

The digital form, which was first made available in mid-2021, has allowed for the successful lodgement of 1,028 treatment plans through the QLD CTP Portal (897 physical and 131 mental health). We also saw the highest number of unique providers using the portal in a month at 99 in November 2022.

During the past year, digital treatment plans have:

  • averaged 15% month-on-month growth
  • increased 3x the number of submissions per month
  • increased 6x the number of total submissions.

Thank you to all the users who have embraced this digital innovation. We’re constantly developing new features based on provider feedback, such as rolling out new auto-expand text boxes and can be contacted at for any improvement ideas.

Last modified 8 December 2022


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