The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) called in world-class experts in digital innovation and business workflows to help design a better end-to-end CTP claimant experience.
Professor Marek Kowalkiewicz and Peter Townson from Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Centre for Future Enterprise, MAIC, Nominal Defendant, National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland
(NIISQ Agency) and more than 20 insurers, lawyers, allied health professionals and other industry stakeholders joined forces to explore concepts at the MAIC QUT Innovation Sprint Showcase.
David Vincent, General Manager, MAIC said the Sprint reflected the MAIC’s commitment to working with stakeholders to ensure the CTP scheme remains stable and accessible to all Queenslanders.
“To have stakeholders from licensed CTP insurers, claimant law firms, allied health firms, research organisations and representative bodies come together with MAIC and QUT to explore opportunities with the current Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance claim process highlights our commitment to improving the scheme,” Mr Vincent said.
“Collaborating with these organisations has enabled MAIC and QUT to develop innovative concepts that prioritise claimant-centric service design and that leverage digital tools to streamline the claims process.”
The Sprint session featured a presentation from Professor Marek Kowalkiewicz from QUT’s Centre for Future Enterprise, who applauded the feedback from stakeholders.
“The diverse perspectives helped us understand the tensions of Queensland’s CTP scheme and the potential to improve what might need to be improved. Thank you for challenging assumptions, questioning the status quo, and helping us to unearth valuable insights and identify new opportunities to improve claimant experience,” Professor Kowalkiewicz said.
“I look forward to tracking the scheme’s progress towards becoming more claimant-centric, more insightful and intelligence based, and delivering greater equity through fairness and empowerment over the coming months.”
MAIC has categorised the concepts into three themes:
- Quick wins: Initiatives identified in the Sprint that are either already underway or backed by stakeholders and easy to roll-out.
- Scheme wide initiatives: Initiatives that are broadly supported and would benefit from MAIC’s leadership (for example, initiatives requiring engagement with government agencies).
- Co-design initiatives: Initiatives that MAIC will be looking for stakeholder feedback and participation to co-design.
Quick wins MAIC has already rolled out include an update to the at-fault CTP insurer search, which provides insurer contact information and easier access to claims information, and information and access to the MAIC funded My Whiplash Navigator, an online guide that has been co-designed by researchers and clinicians to provide information and advice based on the latest evidence to support whiplash recovery.
For more information and insights from the MAIC QUT Innovation Sprint Showcase please visit: