MAIC supports harsher drink driving laws

The Queensland Government has recently announced harsh new penalties for drink driving offenders. Through the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), MAIC assisted with funding to support the development of online interventions for first-time and repeat drink driving offenders. These interventions are a key feature of Queensland’s new drinking driving laws that came into effect on 10 September 2021.

It is a sad reality that thousands of people put themselves and others at risk by drinking and then driving on our roads.

“More than 20 per cent of lives lost on Queensland roads are as a result of drink driving,” Insurance Commissioner Neil Singleton said.

“From a Queensland CTP scheme perspective, we also see the personal consequences of these crashes – with innocent people being seriously injured. Whether it’s due to higher speeds or lack of braking at impact, our data shows us that claims involving drink drivers result in more serious injury and on average cost 20 per cent more than non-alcohol-related claims.

“Behind the cost of each claim is a person whose life has been potentially seriously and permanently changed because someone chose to drink and drive.

“MAIC is committed to improving road safety for all Queenslanders and we are proud to partner with TMR to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads from crashes involving drink drivers.

“Through funding through the Road Trauma Mitigation Fund, TMR commissioned the research that informs the content of these online modules that will educate those detected drink driving and provide appropriate referral points for those who need additional help.

By completing these modules we hope this will help participants make better decisions in the future when it comes to separating alcohol from their road use,” Mr Singleton said.

TMR’s latest Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program, was bolstered from 10 September 2021 to now include:

Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program Expansion

  • The program now includes mid-range drink drivers (those with a blood/breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.10-0.149) in addition to repeat offenders and high risk/high-range (BAC 0.15 and above) drink drivers.
  • Participants must have an alcohol ignition interlock fitted to any vehicle(s) they drive. This includes work vehicles in cases where a participant has been granted a ‘work licence’. There are no exemptions for employment.
  • The program now has performance requirements. If drivers fail interlock breath samples or breach other conditions, they will have to re-start their performance period.
  • The sit-out period (time they are not allowed to drive if they choose not to fit an interlock) increases from two years to five years.
  • The cost associated with relicensing and getting an interlock fitted and serviced is, on average, $3000 for the first 12 months.

 Education courses

  • All drink drivers who commit and are convicted of a drink driving offence will be required to complete an online early-intervention course in order to get relicensed.
  • All repeat drink driving offenders will be required to complete a face-to-face, multi-session course along with the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program.

For more information on the interlock program and the education courses visit

Last modified 12 October 2021


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