Annual Report 2014-15 Compliance Checklist

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report reference
Letter of compliance
  • A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister/s

ARRs – section 8

Letter of compliance – Page 1

  • Table of contents

ARRs – section 10.1

Table of Contents
Appendix 7:Glossary – Page 100

  • Public availability

ARRs – section 10.2

Letter of Compliance – Page 1

  • Interpreter service statement

Queensland Government Language Services Policy
ARRs – section 10.3

Letter of Compliance – Page 1

  • Copyright notice

Copyright Act 1968
ARRs – section 10.4

Letter of Compliance – Page 1

  • Information Licensing

QGEA – Information Licensing
ARRs – section 10.5

Letter of Compliance – Page 1

General information
  • Introductory Information

ARRs – section 11.1

Queensland’s CTP Scheme – Page 2

  • Agency role and main functions

ARRs – section 11.2

About MAIC – Page 2

  • Operating environment

ARRs – section 11.3

Insurance Commissioner’s Report – Page 4

  • Machinery of government changes

ARRs – section 11.4

Year in review – Page 5

Non-financial performance
  • Government’s objectives for the community

ARRs – section 12.1

About MAIC – Page 2

  • Other whole-of-government plans / specific initiatives

ARRs – section 12.2

Not applicable

  • Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 12.3

Report card – Page 6

  • Agency service areas and service standards

ARRs – section 12.4

Appendix 5: Performance Statement (SDS) – Page 96

Financial performance
  • Summary of financial performance

ARRs – section 13.1

Financial Information – Pages 23-91

Governance – management and structure
  • Organisational structure

ARRs – section 14.1

Leading the Motor Accident Insurance Commission – Page 8

  • Executive management

ARRs – section 14.2

Leading the Motor Accident Insurance Commission – Page 8

  • Government bodies (statutory bodies and other entities)

ARRs – section 14.3

Appendix 4: Committees – Page 95

  • Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994
ARRs – section 14.4

Our People – Page 9

Governance – risk management and accountability
  • Risk management

ARRs – section 15.1

Governance – Page 10

  • External scrutiny

ARRs – section 15.2

Governance – Page 10

  • Audit committee

ARRs – section 15.3

Governance – Page 10

  • Internal audit

ARRs – section 15.4

Governance – Page 10

  • Information systems and recordkeeping

ARRs – section 15.5

Governance – Page 10

Governance – human resources
  • Workforce planning and performance

ARRs – section 16.1

Our People – Page 9

  • Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment

Directive No.11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment
ARRs – section 16.2

Our People – Page 9

Open Data
  • Consultancies

ARRs – section 17
ARRs – section 34.1

Governance – Page 10

Overseas travel

ARRs – section 17
ARRs – section 34.2

Not applicable

Queensland Language Services Policy

ARRs – section 17
ARRs – section 34.3

Not applicable

  • Government bodies

ARRs – section 17
ARRs – section 34.4

Not applicable

Financial statements
  • Certification of financial statements

FAA – section 62
FPMS – sections 42, 43 and 50
ARRs – section 18.1

Financial Information – Pages 23-91

  • Independent Auditors Report

FAA – section 62
FPMS – section 50
ARRs – section 18.2

Financial Information – Pages 23-91

  • Remuneration disclosures

Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies
ARRs – section 18.3

Financial Information – Pages 23-91

FAA Financial Accountability Act 2009 FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009
ARRs Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies

Last modified 27 July 2016


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