
MAIC supports harsher drink driving laws

The Queensland Government has recently announced harsh new penalties for drink driving offenders. Through the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), MAIC assisted with funding to support the development…
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MAIC delivers Annual Report

Despite another challenging year due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, MAIC is proud to report the Queensland CTP insurance scheme continued to meet its core objective –…
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Bionics Challenge winners revealed

Recovery and the technology to improve the quality of life for people impacted by road trauma is a highlight of the winning entries in Bionics Queensland’s Bionics Challenge 2021. As…
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New online forms for managing claims

A suite of online forms is now available to help manage compulsory third party (CTP) insurance claims. Located within the Queensland CTP claim portal, the forms aim to enhance the…
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Nominal Defendant finalises last FAI claim

The Motor Accident Insurance Commissions’ Nominal Defendant team recently made history by finalising the very last FAI claim. Two decades in the making, the Nominal Defendant played a significant role…
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