
Update on NIISQ levy for motorcycles

Compulsory third party (CTP) insurance provides important protection to motorists and support for people who are injured in motor vehicle crashes on Queensland roads. CTP insurance premiums are made up…
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Injury Coding Assistant

The Digital Claims team is using cutting-edge automation technology to raise CTP data consistency in support of more accurate forecasting, premium setting, and a sustainable scheme. At the same time, we…
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CTP stakeholder forums

Recently, we have facilitated a series of collaborative workshops with CTP insurers and personal injury lawyers to identify opportunities for further improvement in the Queensland CTP insurance scheme to provide a…
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Safer roads from Sunshine Coast to beyond

Since 2018, the Road Safety Research Collaboration (RSRC) between University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) and the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) has set out to understand and improve road…
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