Art, communication, and CTP insurance


Art isn’t something you would normally associate with compulsory third party insurance. But for Queensland’s Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC), it is playing a part in operating an inclusive CTP scheme.

Earlier this year, MAIC partnered with elder Uncle Paul Calcott and other First Peoples’ representatives to spread the word on how CTP insurance can ‘help you get strong again’.

“Queensland’s CTP scheme has to be safe, trusted and respectful, so that all injured people can recover from the effects of their injuries,” Insurance Commissioner, Neil Singleton said.

“Research tells us First Peoples in Queensland are six times more likely to be injured in road crashes compared to non-Indigenous people, yet they don’t always seek support from the scheme.

“These are not just numbers. They are real people, real injuries and real loss,” Mr Singleton said.

MAIC wants to create a better understanding of CTP insurance for First Peoples who aren’t accessing the scheme’s benefits.”

The regulatory authority for Queensland’s compulsory third party insurance scheme turned to art and storytelling as a powerful means of communication to share their message.

MAIC collaborated with community members and Elders, one of whom was artist and activist Uncle Paul Calcott.

Speaking at the First Peoples CTP event, Uncle Paul explained how the millennia-long culture of First Peoples plays an enduring role in contemporary communication.

“The symbols I use in my art have been around for thousands of years, but sometimes you have to develop new symbols that still fit in with a traditional style.

“The symbol for disability, for example. There’s a shape you leave in the sand, and if you’ve got a bad leg like me, you leave a different mark on the world.

“So new symbols evolve from having conversations and thinking, ‘how can we portray this now?’”

Uncle Paul’s powerful artwork features in MAIC’s First Peoples resources show the importance of reducing risk taking whilst driving, keeping your vehicle registered and how CTP can help people maximise their recovery caused by road trauma.

MAIC’s dedicated First Peoples resources include also include Aunty Robyn’s powerful story about her family’s experience following a tragic road crash.

“The thing with MAIC is, they walked alongside us in this,” Uncle Paul said.

“It’s not just a case of, All right, we’ve got to tick a box. It’s a real partnership in how we can do this the best way.

“To me, that’s huge.”

Watch MAIC’s Drive safe, drive deadly video to see how CTP insurance helps Queenslanders become strong again after road traffic crashes.

For more information or to download MAIC’s free First Peoples resources please visit:

Last modified 30 April 2021


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