Automated vehicles

dashboard of a driverless car
Vehicles with various levels of automation are now being trialed for use on Queensland roads. Automated vehicles are a potential game-changer that could reduce motor vehicle accidents, greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion.

As this technology evolves, we need to ensure that Queensland’s CTP insurance scheme adapts to meet the needs of our community. This includes Queenslanders who plan to own or use an automated vehicle and those who are unfortunate to be injured by one.

We meet regularly to discuss this with other regulators and managers of CTP insurance schemes in Australia.

Our approach is guided by key principles:

  • No one should be worse off if they are injured by an automated vehicle than if they were injured by a non-automated vehicle – either in terms of the compensation they receive or the process of making a CTP insurance claim.
  • We remain committed to keeping Queensland’s CTP insurance premiums affordable for all motorists.

Learn more

Last modified 30 March 2021


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