Set your phone, then leave it alone

A staggering 70 per cent of Queenslanders admit to using their phones illegally in the car, making them four times more likely to crash. It’s a bad habit fuelled by overconfidence, fear of missing out, and boredom or busyness.

Too often, innocent people are injured as a result of distracted driving. Rear-end crashes represent 40 per cent of claims in Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance scheme, and distraction is a key contributor.

As Insurance Commissioner Neil Singleton explains, “police reports reveal that drivers fail to brake to prevent a crash, suggesting that distraction plays a role. Experts are calling it the modern-day equivalent of drink driving.”

The good news is that there’s a practical solution for driver distraction, and we’ve partnered with RACQ motoring club to share it with Queenslanders. In a campaign that launched this week, we’re calling on Queenslanders to use the ‘Do not Disturb’ feature on their phones to combat distraction.

“You can still have maps at your fingertips and your favourite music to play. Just cue them up before you depart, then set ‘Do not Disturb’ before you start your journey.

“We all play a role in reducing road crashes to keep Queenslanders safe on the road and keep CTP insurance premiums affordable for all motorists.

“Distracted driving injures Queenslanders every day, yet it’s completely avoidable. Kick the habit today – set your phone, then leave it alone,” says Mr Singleton.

Visit the campaign website to learn how.

Last modified 5 August 2019


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